Tracking symptoms and side effects of pharmaceuticals, includes a medication log template

A daily medication log supports your case when preparing for a pharmaceutical lawsuit, because it provides a record perceived as more reliable than memory alone. Additionally, it can help your doctor when discussing medications as part of your treatment. This is why we worked with Enjuris to create a medication journal you can download and print out.
(Download as PDF)

Writing down your medication makes all the difference

If you are on a health regimen and one of your pills is defective, a medication log can help narrow down the timeframe of symptoms so professionals can determine which drug is the offender. This will help immensely if your attorney is preparing a lawsuit against a pharmaceutical company on your behalf. A medication log can provide details that your memory cannot.

In your daily medication log, you should include details like:

  • Names of medications you took
  • Dosages taken
  • What time of day you took them
  • How you feel after taking medications
  • Any side effects that you noticed
  • Improvements or relapses
  • Questions for your health care professionals
  • General thoughts and feelings


Keeping a daily medication log can also help you focus on other aspects of your life and not have to keep track of pills. It is much easier to start healing when you have less on your mind.

One cautionary note: be sure to enter your medications any time you take them. The log may be more harmful than helpful if you are not using it consistently. Once you start to keep a record, be sure to write down every single medication every time you take it.

If you’ve been affected by harmful side effects of prescription drugs, talk to us today.

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