What is paraquat

What is Paraquat: Ingredients, Use, and Side Effects

Chemical weed control has become deeply entrenched in the agricultural production of the United States. However, the use of herbicides for weed control has become a public health hazard in recent decades, and it has been under scrutiny up to now.  And one particular herbicide has been the target of lawsuits filed across the country […]


11 Paraquat poisoning symptoms you should be wary of

11 Paraquat Poisoning Symptoms You Should Be Wary Of

Paraquat poisoning is injury or death that results from touching, inhaling, or swallowing the herbicide paraquat, a toxic chemical still widely used in the United States today. Several studies that link paraquat to a handful of medical conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, not only prompted environmental groups to call for its ban, but have also prompted […]


What is paraquat tongue

What is Paraquat Tongue?

Paraquat tongue is the term for the damaging effects caused by paraquat ingestion in the tongue. It is usually the first symptom that is indicative of the intentional or unintentional swallowing of the popular herbicide.  Years of research have exposed the plethora of adverse effects that paraquat can cause. But the toxic herbicide’s link to […]


How to tell if you've been exposed to paraquat

How to Tell If You Have Been Exposed to Paraquat

Making a connection between your symptoms and paraquat exposure is not always easy. This is because the popular weed killer can cause both short- and long-term health effects. Even a farmworker or certified applicator who has prolonged exposure to paraquat can develop symptoms without realizing what the underlying cause is. Paraquat, otherwise known as paraquat […]


Is paraquat used on golf courses

Do Golf Courses Use Paraquat?

Paraquat was previously used in golf courses to control weeds and to maintain the aesthetic appeal of its lush greens. Pesticides, herbicides, and several other chemicals are sprayed in these areas for the same purposes.  There is growing evidence, however, of the link between Parkinson’s disease and exposure to chemically-treated golf courses.  The health effects […]


Paraquat side effects

Paraquat Side Effects: Can I Take Legal Action?

Side effects of paraquat include mouth ulcers, increased heart rate, dehydration, excess fluid in the lungs, muscle weakness, low blood pressure, lung scarring, kidney failure, and liver failure. These symptoms can be experienced when paraquat is ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. Exposure to paraquat herbicide has short- and long-term health effects, including lung […]


Is it too late to file a paraquat lawsuit

Is It Too Late to File a Paraquat Lawsuit?

The agricultural industry in the United States relies heavily on the use of chemical pesticides. With that said, it’s unfortunately not surprising how paraquat dichloride, a herbicide that has been banned in over 30 countries, is still being widely used across the U.S. Recent studies, however, have linked paraquat to an increased risk of Parkinson’s […]

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